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This is a Java client library to interact with the xmlrpc interface of wordpress. It currently supports all functionality exposed by the XML-RPC Wordpress API. You can use it to manipulate contents, comments, media and users of a Wordpress blog.

A command line interface is also provided, making it possible to access the XML-RPC API in scripts.


There are two interfaces for wordpress-java:

Java API

Include wordpress-java dependency in your project as explained in here.

Have a look at this short example, for starters:

Wordpress wp = new Wordpress(username, password, xmlRpcUrl);
FilterPost filter = new FilterPost();
List<Post> recentPosts = wp.getPosts(filter);
System.out.println("Here are the ten recent posts:");
for (Post page : recentPosts) {
  System.out.println(page.getPost_id() + ":" + page.getPost_title());
FilterPost filter2 = new FilterPost();
List<Post> pages = wp.getPosts(filter2);
System.out.println("Here are the pages:");
for (Post pageDefinition : pages) {
System.out.println("Posting a test (draft) page...");
Post recentPost = new Post();
recentPost.setPost_title("Test Page");
recentPost.setPost_content("Test description");
Integer result = wp.newPost(recentPost);
System.out.println("new post page id: " + result);

For all available functionality, check out the javadocs. Junit tests can also help as a reference.

Command Line Interface

Command line interface can be installed as explained in the Installation section, or you can directly execute the jar:

java -jar target/jwordpress-<version>-cli.jar --user <user> --pass <pass> --url <xmlrpcurl> COMMAND

For example, here is how to get a list of users in the Wordpress installation:

$ java -jar target/jwordpress-0.6-cli.jar --user admin --pass admin --url http://wordpressjavatest.local/xmlrpc.php -a

You can get a list of all options using -? option:

$ java -jar target/jwordpress-0.6-cli.jar --user admin --pass admin --url http://wordpressjavatest.local/xmlrpc.php -?
 -?,--help                    Print usage information
 -a,--authors                 Get author list
 -c,--categories              Get category list
 -ca,--newcomment <arg>       New comment from file
 -cc,--commentcount <arg>     Get comment count for a post (-1 for all
 -cd,--deletecomment <arg>    Delete comment
 -ce,--editcomment <arg>      Edit comment from file
 -cg,--getcomment <arg>       Get comment
 -cm,--commentnumber <arg>    Comment # (for --getcomments)
 -cn,--newcategory <arg>      New category (uses --slug and --parentid)
 -co,--commentoffset <arg>    Comment offset # (for --getcomments)
 -cr,--deletecategory <arg>   Delete category <category_id>
 -cs,--commentstatus <arg>    Comment status (for --getcomments)
 -ct,--getcomments <arg>      Get comments for the post
 -h,--url <arg>               Specify the url to xmlrpc.php
 -mn,--newmedia <arg>         New media file (uses --overwrite)
 -od,--deletepost <arg>       Delete post
 -oe,--editpost <arg>         Edit post (needs --postid)
 -oi,--postid <arg>           Post id for posts
 -on,--newpost <arg>          New post from file <arg>
 -or,--recentposts <arg>      Get recent posts
 -os,--getpost <arg>          Get post
 -ov,--overwrite              Allow overwrite in uploading new media
 -p,--pass <arg>              Password
 -pi,--parentid <arg>         Parent id for categories
 -s,--slug <arg>              Slug for categories
 -so,--supportedstatus        Print supported post status values
 -u,--user <arg>              User name
 -us,--userinfo               Get user information

If you don't prefer entering --user, --pass and --url options for every command, have a look at How to Save Options in Preferences wiki entry.


All your contributions are welcome. Please create pull requests for code and documentation changes at Github. You can also report issues and concerns at the Issues section of Github.

If you are using wordpress-java in your product or project, please let me know. I would love to list it here.


You can ask your questions by creating an issue at the Issues section of Github. Remember to tag it as question, just for tidiness.

Please also have a look at the Wiki pages for a few tricks on using wordpress-java.



If you download the distribution package, available at here, you need a working java runtime environment for the command line interface.

You can use Maven or a similar tool to get all dependencies of the library for developing applications using the API.


In order to use the API in your project, include wordpress-java dependency in your project as explained in here.

Command line interface can be installed using the files in the archive. Copy jwordpress and jwordpress*jar files to a directory on your path and execute jwordpress.


There is no mandatory configuration for things to run, just the username, password and the xmlrpc url of the Wordpress installation. Latest versions of Wordpress enables xmlrpc by default, but if there are problems connecting to the site, check your Wordpress settings.


I (Can Bican) designed and coded most of the API.

  • Fred Potter contributed to functionality related to comments.
  • Alok Saldanha provided patches for custom fields.
  • Jorge Valdivia added the missing featured image support.
  • Commandoser (github username) provided patches for enabling correct mime types.
  • Aliaksei Zhuk fixed the problem of passing incorrect data to editPost().
  • Bruno Candido Volpato da Cunha changed uploadFile() to pass the file name to the server.

Please let me know if I am missing any code contributions.


For project related issues and questions, please use Github project facilities. If you wish to contact me for other purposes, please contact me at my-name at


Wordpress-Java is licensed under the terms of either the MIT license or the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 3.

You don’t have to do anything special to choose one license or the other and you don’t have to notify anyone which license you are using. You are free to use a wordpress-java in commercial projects as long as the copyright header is left intact.

See the file COPYING-GPL for the GNU General Public License and COPYING-MIT for the MIT license.